Part 6: 3-1: You're the Worst Goddamned Warleader
UPDATE 6: YOU'RE THE WORST GODDAMN WARLEADERYeah, I'm absolutely doing some metagaming with Rook's party and we'll explain what's going on with that next time we see them.
Which won't be for a bit, because we have to do the worst chapter in the whole series now. Unless you like the combat, in which case it's probably the best chapter.

Sit tight, Rook. We'll see you eventually.

For now, it's time to play as Ubin...or not. I guess Hakon's the POV character now?

You perk up, just now realizing Mogr has been talking to you. Since Vognir died everyone has been looking to you to make the decisions. It's exhausting.

Ludin turns abruptly with a scowl. He stamps back to his ring of tents and followers.

Editor's Note: This is just flavor text. But Hakon isn't really a leader. He's a a figther, and the mantle of leadership doesn't sit well with him. I figure slaugthering the shit out of dredge is in character, and his class is literally called "warmaster."
This decision to RP a guy who loves'll see.

We're still in Vedrfell for now. Let's talk to Ubin and Mogr.

The scrivener leans back, considering the sentiment.

The scrivener gestures around him as if you remind you of the current situation. You chuckle.

We'll go see Mogr next.

His girl in red is scary too. Yrsa. She's probably the best figther Ludin's got, to be honest. I've overheard some of the varl call her "the witch."

Despite having the prince of men in our caravan along with 2 bodyguards mentioned by name, they're not playable. Eirik's back, though. And Gunnulf is still hurt from when he got beat up by those raiders way back in the first update.

We immediately level up those who are eligible. Eirik goes right to level 3.

Unlike Rook's party, we're chock full of fighting men and giant. And in good spirits. And have shitloads of supplies. This will be easy!

The first of many of these updates. Mogr sees dredge and lets us know. We could not fight them, but the fact is we need levels and renown, so...

The caravan stops and waits while you lead a small detachment up the hillside to take care of the dredge quickly. You tell Ludin to stay by the caravan. He folds his arms and mutters something about being treated like a child.

Not the best party with my heavy hitter at -4 strength, but it's a pretty easy fight.

We're significantly outnumbered, but most of the dredge are pretty shitty and can be maimed easily by Hakon or Gunnulf.

Stuff happens. Eirik and Gunnulf go down. Hakon and Mogr stay up which is the imporant part. Varl get wounded for 6 days when they go down. Gunnulf is now back to -6 strength (not -4 + -6, thankfully.)

Anyway, that optional fight cleaned up, we press on, until...

You can hear Ludin's hard-booted trot as you set up camp the first day, and brace yourself.

Ludin looks at you as though you just punched yourself in the face. He heads back to his tent before saying whatever was on his mind.

Might as well meet the rest of his crew.

As you approach Bersi, he lowers the book he was reading. He doesn't strike you as the book-reading type.

You laugh at the unexpected gouge. Bersi grins, pleased with himself.

As you step away, you can't help but wonder if there was a bit of threat behind that gravelly request.
Bersi is a warhawk, like Gunnulf. Only not like Gunnulf in that he actually has some points in exertion so he can get himself into position to hit things. Lower strength, so he's not as heavy a hitter as Gunnulf, but in general you'll get more use out of him.
Yrsa next.

She watches you appraoch with her head tilted back, and points a thumb toward Ludin's tent.

Yrsa shakes her head 'no,' a smile on her lips, eyelids low.

In those two curiously contradictory words you get two impressions: she has a beautiful, obsidian voice. And this might be a complete waste of time. She watches you expectantly.

She smiles warmly, clearly enjoying her game.

Before you have the chance to be confused, she cackles, abrupt and loud. Then looks slightly embarrassed.

Her expression changes to "of course."

She raises an eyebrow.

All you get is a shrug.

She pulls an arrow. There's a flick of the wrist you don't quite catch. Suddenly a bird combusts in the tree behind you and falls to the ground, smouldering. Half the camp has turned to watch.

She crosses her arms, a hand on her chin, and cocks her head to one side.

You stop, and look over your shoulder.

She puts her forefinger to her lips with a soft "shhh." You depart, not quite sure what to make of that.

So now we have a full roster of heroes. And even one who can sit on the bench.
Yrsa is an archer. We've seen that class before. Puncture passive.
Her active, though, is interesting. It's called "slag and burn," and it's her fire arrow trick. She throws coals on the ground in a plus pattern (meaning 5 tiles catch fire). Anything that's directly in the ignition takes +2 strength damage, indendent of armor. Anything that's on the center of the plus sign takes armor break damage equivalent to Yrsa's break stat (which right now is just 1, but that'll change).
Her coals stay aflame until her next turn. Anything that walks over them takes +1 strength damage independent of armor.
So she's great at hitting multiple targets for chip damage, and can also do strength damage through armor. She's very useful.
The downside? She has like NO strength or armor, especially early on, and anything that gets past your front lines is liable to one-shot her.

Bersi's really not better than Gunnulf, but starting with a point in exertion is a significant point in his favor.

Like I said: 6/6 armor/strength is a great way to get killed.

We saw Ludin get creamed in the Vognir battle, but he's actually a very solid unit. His passive ability grants willpower to himself and any adjacent unit when he kills something. Handy.
His active, "impale," will move an enemy back 1 to 3 tiles, do strength damage (min. 1), and any tile the impaled unit moves causes it to take 1 damage. Very handy when comboing with battering ram, though Iver's not in this party.
Spearmen can also attack from 2 panels away, though the impale move requires adjacency.

Upon hitting the road, we immediately get this guy talking shit about us. Hakon gives no fucks.

So much for that nerd.
"What's his name?" you ask his companions. "Griss." "Take care of Griss," you reply. You hear them laughing at his misfortune as you wander off.
We get +5 renown for keeping our disaffected units in line.

Some time later, we hit some more folks. We tell them the road to Strand is clear.
They thank you profusely. One stops as he passes. "If you're passing by Denglr, do me a favor? My wife's brother stayed behind. You'll know him by a necklace with many rings on it. If you see him, say we are safely in Strand." You nod. After a short time they continue on.

Time for more fighting!
Dredge watch you, waiting to see what you do. "When's the last time you commanded a few hundred, Hakon?" asks Mogr. "Don't overthink it. The warriors can take care of themselves."

We are now at war. War battles consist of two waves, and the difficulty of the initial wave is determined by your battle command.
From most difficult to least difficult, Charge through Oversee.
Charge will give you a very difficult tactical battle, but if you win, you will save a lot of varl and figthers from being killed offscreen, thus weakening your army.
Formations, Hold them Off, and Oversee all make the battle easier but put your army in more danger.
Oversee skips the fight entirely but you take a shitload of losses and also get no renown.
Hakon will charge into every goddamn fight. Because I'm an idiot.

Here's our war party, charging in. 3 guys at level 1. Great plan.

Aw...fuck. Most of these guys are pushovers, but there's enough of them that I'll get worn down.

Mogr's job is to break the armor of the toughest guy around so that he can die.
Also, a thing I failed to mention earlier about dredge: if you do 3 or greater armor damage to them, all adjacent units take +1 armor damage, down the line. You can get like a 5 or 6 dredge chain like this. It's moderately useful and not worth planning around, but it's a nice bonus to splinter a bunch of people at once.

Here's Hakon's sundering impact at work. He hits the middle unit, and the left and right units both take 1 armor and 2 strength damage too.

Apparently dredge bleed?

Yrsa fires off a slag and burn at the big guy. You can see 2 active coals and also 3 inactive ones to form the "plus sign" I referred to.

A nice thing about Ludin's impale skill is that the enemy AI doesn't recognize it. So sometimes an enemy will start walking and die of it, wasting their turn completely.

Ludin racks up another kill. This is going great!

Eirik kills the penultimate dredge, putting us in PILLAGE! mode. Hey, everyone's healthy! Let's fight the second wave!

What could go wrong?

Here's what could go wrong. That big guy spanws in right next to Mogr and Hakon, and neither of them can move before he does. Which means someone's getting OHKOed.

Bye, Hakon.

Bye, Yrsa.

Bye, Eirik.

I just don't have the DPS to take out the remainder. To make matters worse, the big stoneguard begins summoning reinforcements and I can't stop him. This battle is lost.

Bersi puts up a good last stand, but it's too late. He falls a moment after Ludin. least we got some bonus renown for killing part of the second wave.

A bunch of varl and figthers die because we fail. Dying in the second wave is treated like dying in the first in terms of how the game penalizes you.
Fortunately, we're in no hurry. We can rest for 6 days since we've got 2 goddamn months worth of supplies.

Hey, more dredge!

We're going to draw some of them forward and split them.

Another fight. Another war.

We charge into battle again. At least this time we have some levels to our name.

An ENORMOUS number of the 2x2 dredge greet us. If we were a predominantly human party, that'd be great since we could just run circles around them as they got in one another's way. Against a varl warparty though, this is kind of a pain in the ass.

Yrsa scores her second kill, ensuring I can armor her up a little bit next time I have a chance to promote.

Mogr tanks, armor breaks, and splinter chains armor to the point that Hakon can finish off wave one.
I've learned nothing. Let's see what wave two has to offer!

This isn't quite so bad. Plus 3 of them spawned too far to hit me on their first turn.

Ludin's a dick, but don't doubt his bravery? Or his value as a unit. Late in war battles you're low on willpower, and his ability to self-replenish and also help adjacent units when he kills something is pretty valuable.

Much like the last time I was dumb enough to do a second wave, Ludin and Bersi end up last standing.

Unlike last time, I'm strong enough to take them down.

My reward? ...a shitty level 1 item that gives +1 willpower. Goddammit.

More importantly, nobody in the entire caravan died.

...and we can sleep off the injuries again. Levels for everyone! I'm back in business and nothing can go wrong!

All 3 level up. I'm so strong now! What could possibly go amiss?

Hey, things are so good that I tell Griss he's got one shot and I get a free unit!
You tell him to report to Mogr. "I don't sit in the back lines. Make a mistake and you'll get your head caved in. Nobody'll lose sleep over it." He nods and goes to speak to Mogr.

Hey, let's take the fight to them! We have new levels! And let's see what Griss can do!

Griss is a shittier version of Iver. But being able to go 15/15 with armor and strength AND have 4 break makes him tremendously versatile. And a good partner for Ludin. We'll bring him.

Oh man, Griss right after Ludin! He's gonna battering ram so many impaled units! This is gonna be great!

So far, so good! I'm unstoppable.

Ron Howard Arrested Development Voice: He wasn't.


I really wanted to get into that town. A shop for a varl party that has very few items. And a vote that'd be impactful not only here, but in later games.

Next time: I still don't learn my lesson!